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Indo Coins

Model Product Image Item Name Price
B-IN023 Antialkidas Ae Hemiobol : Caps of the Dioscuri

Antialkidas Ae Hemiobol : Caps of the Dioscuri

Bronze square Ae Hemiobol of Antialkidas (circa 115-95 BC) Ox:laureate bust of Zeus right; thunderbolt over shoulder; BASILEWS NIKHFOROU ANTIALKIDOY...


Max: 1

B-IN022 Diomedes Ae Hemiobol : Dioscuri stg facing

Diomedes Ae Hemiobol : Dioscuri stg facing

Indo-Greek: Diomedes AE square quadruple or Hemiobol Ox: Dioscuri standing facing, each holding a spear, Greek legend around Rx: Humped bull standing...


Max: 1

B-IN032 Hepthalite : Imitation of Hormazd IV with Countermark

Hepthalite : Imitation of Hormazd IV with Countermark

Turko-Hephthalites, local Imitation of Hormazd IV, with "Phoro" coutermark - attributed to Phromo Kesaro, ca.AD 739-745 Ox: Crowned bust of Hormazd...


Max: 1

B-IN036 Indo-Parthian Ae Tetradrachm : Orthagnes

Indo-Parthian Ae Tetradrachm : Orthagnes

Indo-Parthian Ae Tetradrachm; Orthagnes (35-55AD) Obv: Diademed bust left Rev: Nike standing right holding wreath and scepter; monograms flanking...


Max: 1

B-IN034 Kushan Ae Tetradrachm : Kujula Kadphises : Herakles Reverse

Kushan Ae Tetradrachm : Kujula Kadphises : Herakles Reverse

India; Kushan : Kujula Kadphises circa AD 30/50-80 ; Ae Tetradrachm Ox: Diademed bust right Rx: Herakles standing left, resting on club and holding...


Max: 1

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