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Greek Coins

Greek Coin Replacement File

Model Product Image Item Name Price
JBG-422 Aitolia, Aitolian League Ae : Apollo / Spear Head and Jawbone

Aitolia, Aitolian League Ae : Apollo / Spear Head and Jawbone

Aitolian League (ca. 211-196 BC) Ae Obv: Laureate head of Apollo right Rev: AITW - LWN above and below spearhead right above jawbone of Calydonian...


Max: 1

JBG-173 Ake-Ptolemais, Phoenicia Ae : Dioscouri / Cornucopia

Ake-Ptolemais, Phoenicia Ae : Dioscouri / Cornucopia

Ake-Ptolemaïs, Phoenicia: Time of Antiochos IV (175-164 BC) : Ae Dilepton Obv: Jugate busts of the Dioscouri right, each surmounted by a star Rev:...


Max: 1

B-G1077 Akragas Sicily Ae : Bust of Kore / Asklepios Standing

Akragas Sicily Ae : Bust of Kore / Asklepios Standing

Sicily, Akragas Ae ; after 210 BC Ox: Laureate head of Kore right Rx: Asklepios standing facing, head left, holding patera Some soft surfaces but...


Max: 1

JBG-387 Alaisa Sicily Ae : Griffin / Horse

Alaisa Sicily Ae : Griffin / Horse

Alaisa (as Kainon), Sicily (ca. 360 -340 BC) Ae Obv: Griffin with spread wings left Rev: Horse prancing left Bit rough but better in hand. 20.0mm,...


Max: 1

JBG-497J Alexander III the Great Ae Quarter Unit: Bow in Bowcase / Club

Alexander III the Great Ae Quarter Unit: Bow in Bowcase / Club

Alexander III, the Great, Kings of Macedon (336 - 323 BC) Ae Quarter Unit Obv: Head of Alexander wearing lion-skin headdress Rev: ALEXANDPOY between...


Max: 1

B-G1144 Alexandria ad Issum Cilicia : Head of Alexander / Zeus Standing

Alexandria ad Issum Cilicia : Head of Alexander / Zeus Standing

Alexandria ad Issum, Cilicia ; 2nd-1st Century BC Ox: Head of Alexander as youthful Herakles right, wearing lionskin Rx: ALEXANDREWN; Zeus standing...

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Max: 1

JBG-431 Alexandria Troas Ae : Tyche / Alexander, Apollo Smintheus, Bull

Alexandria Troas Ae : Tyche / Alexander, Apollo Smintheus, Bull

Alexandria Troas Ae : Time of Treb Gallus/Valerian (251 - 260 AD) Ae Obv: CO ALEX TRO; Turreted and draped bust of Tyche right Rev: COL AV / TROA;...


Max: 1

B-G1207 Amastris Paphlagonia Ae : Sword in Sheath

Amastris Paphlagonia Ae : Sword in Sheath

Amastris Paphlagonia Ae ; 120-63 BC Obv: Head of young Ares in Corinthian helmet Rev: AMAS - TR; Sword in sheath with strap Some honest wear and...


Max: 1

JBG-339 Amisos Pontos Ae : Dionysos / Cista Mystica

Amisos Pontos Ae : Dionysos / Cista Mystica

Amisos Pontos Ae, (ca. 100-95 BC or 90-80 BC) : Time of Mithradates VI Obv: Head of Dionysos right wearing ivy wreath Rev: AMISOY; Thyrsos leaning...


Max: 1

JBG-425 Amisos Pontus Ae : Artemis / Altar

Amisos Pontus Ae : Artemis / Altar

Amisos Pontus (125 - 100 BC) Ae Obv: Diademed head of Artemis right, bow and quiver over shoulder Rev: AMI-SOY to either side of tripod Bit of...


Max: 1

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